Ranking week 28

Please note:
- This ranking only shows guilds with matches registred in Matches.
- Gw power is based on the time results were collected, and might vary a bit from the one during war.
- The power isnt normalized for missing members.
- the rank in ( ) is the gw ranking from the same week (pre war).
Rank (normal rank) Guild GW Power
1 (1)[EXO] Exodus Recruiting2026
2 (2)[DgM] Doge Mountain1869
3 (3)[WAR] WarCrushers1825
4 (5)[BoI] Brotherhood of Inferno1701
5 (4)[PxK] *P*hoenix*K*nights1662
6 (11)[SDD] Seriously Disturbed Doges1558
7 (38)[IBI] Il Branco Degli Immortali[ITA]1549
8 (15)[EIB] Elite Bollwerk [GER]1525
9 (7)[NWO] *N*ew *W*orld *O*rder1524
10 (6)[BCC] BẦY CÁ CON1510
10 (17)[RNA] Renaissance [FR]1510
12 (14)[UPK] Angelic Krakens1468
13 (24)[GdB] Gamer de Bolso [GdB]1456
14 (27)[SfB] STAR FLUFF Busters !!1454
15 (8)[ACE] ACE の ACE1452
16 (46)[LTY] We Litty Zoo Animals1429
17 (10)[UPB] *The Upbringing1427
18 (47)[SaV] Savage Hoard1419
19 (45)[LST] Lost Crusaders1411
20 (137)[DON] ARMAGEDDON1408
21 (39)[WxW] Warriors of Eternity1406
22 (13)[VAN] Vanguardians1373
23 (30)[TEM] Templar [FR]1371
24 (9)[DAO] Origins1338
25 (60)[Pfa] Pfannkuchen1321
26 (58)[FxS] Fractured Skies1308
27 (168)[BoS] Brotherhood of the Spark1307
28 (33)[RUS] United Family [RUS]1305
29 (48)[BoE] Brotherhood of Embers1303
30 (18)[ITC] Italian Crushers1297
31 (31)[CTA] CRUSH THEM ALL1293
31 (71)[ALV] Aztek Lords Victory1293
33 (41)[UPA] Angels Undead Upbringers1285
34 (114)[ste] 水晶庭園1271
35 (84)[TAR] Targaryen [GER]1269
36 (62)[Pth] Phad Thai1266
38 (23)[RdR] ShadeRaiders1258
39 (25)[WAW] Wolves and Warriors1251
40 (12)[ESF] 简简单单1248
41 (90)[Jf1] Jedis Français1236
42 (183)[AOA] Against All Odds1235
43 (73)[RKL] Red Knight Licornes recrute!1227
44 (65)[PL5] Złoci Rycerze PL1218
45 (16)[Rna] Renaissance II [FR]1209
46 (130)[FaB] Flooz and Booze1205
47 (98)[UAN] ВЕК Пролетариата1195
48 (150)[FUW] Furiosas Wrath!1186
48 (88)[YKA] Yakuza BR1186
50 (57)[CGR] Crystal Rebellion1178
51 (146)[PoL] Best of Poland Polska1168
52 (443)[DeF] DeathFangs1162
53 (258)[EPL] Elite Players1142
54 (140)[KTA] Kill Them All1135
55 (59)[RWR] Dino Rawriors1132
56 (229)[HBN] ハコブネ1129
57 (200)[AEV] Anh Em VN1122
58 (96)[HPC] Chaos Exemplify1117
58 (170)[BrD] Red Devils *[FR]1117
60 (99)[Frh] French Touch1116
60 (160)[RUN] Hamster Wheel1116
62 (34)[MiG] Made in Germany1109
63 (26)[TRV] THRIVE (UL Rebuild)1108
64 (56)[ElB] Elite Bollwerk [GER]1106
65 (144)[SfC] STAR FLUFF Planet !!1105
66 (223)[blk] Phantasmagoria1101
67 (254)[VDR] The Galactic Empire1095
68 (230)[FaP] Faction of Allied People1080
69 (28)[Mgc] 魔法师公会1077
70 (64)[KOR] KOREA 한국1072
71 (107)[TrS] Trinity Seven1068
72 (239)[GEP] German Elite Player1064
72 (211)[MHs] Melon Heads1064
74 (55)[ATB] All Time Booty!1060
75 (133)[TCE] TheCrimsonEmpire1044
76 (138)[BGA] Blessed Gods RUS1032
77 (74)[RuT] Russian Tortuga1027
77 (120)[ENG] Vengeance1027
77 (209)[Lns] Luna1027
80 (42)[EtR] Les Éternels [Recrute]1022
80 (374)[LgF] Legion of *Fate*1022
82 (312)[ALF] A Little Fire1020
83 (101)[TTr] The Tiny Trotters1019
84 (175)[DRL] Death Dealers1009
85 (290)[RDr] ChaosRaiders1007
86 (131)[CVJ] Alcoólicos Anônimos [BR]1006
87 (54)[koR] Korea 도움말997
87 (472)[DnD] Dungeons n Donuts997
89 (207)[UWG] Unicorn War Guilde993
90 (40)[VNR] Vn brother992
90 (81)[NOR] Norgard992
90 (382)[VIK] The Vikings992
93 (35)[SVK] Storm Vikings986
94 (221)[RGB] Raging bull985
96 (335)[BeE] The *Hive981
97 (50)[RNa] Renaissance III [FR]977
98 (37)[BLO] Iron Bloods972
99 (241)[Jpn] Japanese 日本ギルド970
99 (328)[TZF] The Z Fighters970
101 (359)[LHS] Legendary Heroes967
102 (392)[ZQZ] Overkill Co.966
103 (430)[gow] Wolfsrudel959
104 (95)[gdb] Gamer de Bolso 2 [GdB]949
105 (171)[MFA] Misfits Academy945
105 (234)[sos] Solis Ortus945
107 (32)[VNT] VN Team944
107 (169)[ANK] Anunnaki944
109 (118)[Sry] You Should Not Pass943
110 (155)[Enc] Encore939
111 (235)[HES] Heilige Einhornstange935
111 (205)[Tar] Targaryen 2 [GER]935
113 (21)[B2P] Blanks de Poulets [FR] RECRUTE932
114 (274)[CSG] Noobs931
115 (255)[TSA] The Shadow Assassins918
116 (83)[PuS] The Pussycat Patrol912
117 (19)[N64] Bad Fur Day908
118 (51)[NW2] New World Order 2905
118 (126)[BwP] BambooWarriorPandas905
120 (292)[WiC] Winter is Coming904
121 (321)[TDT] The Dark Tower899
122 (398)[NFM] INFAMOUS895
122 (245)[TSL] The Shadow Legion895
124 (69)[Rdr] ShadyRaiders - 1 free space894
125 (232)[IBi] Accademia887
126 (226)[fml] The Floozers886
127 (369)[lDs] Les Dragonniers882
128 (441)[UKE] Unknown Empire880
128 (310)[Hvv] Wolfblood880
130 (49)[KNH] KONOHA879
131 (139)[LBR] Legend *BR*878
131 (91)[WTN] We The North878
131 (44)[HYW] Hyrule Warriors878
134 (287)[LoF] Legends of Fun876
134 (343)[Jf2] Jedis Français 2876
136 (125)[APO] Active people only アクティブな人のみ874
137 (469)[The] Военный клан873
138 (228)[USA] AMERICAN LEGION 1867
139 (557)[HMB] Hold My Beer866
140 (354)[DTs] Dragon Tamers862
141 (103)[GKS] Grand KnightS861
142 (87)[APS] あっぷるず858
143 (498)[usa] AMERICAN LEGION853
144 (204)[IGE] Infinity Edge843
145 (122)[FAF] Fun For All838
146 (196)[CVN] Fang Joker VN837
147 (334)[SKO] SCKOLL826
148 (165)[Ent] Warriors824
149 (110)[DbD] Death B4 Dishonor823
150 (102)[MDG] MADDOG822
151 (373)[MUP] Смеющийся гроб820
152 (75)[Tem] Templar II [FR]805
152 (390)[oOo] Wings of the Fallen805
154 (250)[DeH] Die ewigen Helden800
155 (79)[EGG] Enlightenment798
155 (347)[AWS] American Warriors798
157 (63)[RDH] The Red Hand797
158 (158)[BLB] Blobfish795
159 (82)[tCR] The Crimson Raiders791
160 (251)[Rly] Funny butchers788
161 (477)[DXP] Direwolf Power Pack785
162 (97)[kot] 孤高の鷹783
163 (85)[RDR] ShadowRaiders774
164 (43)[ImO] じゃがいも畑772
165 (231)[KCK] kick @ss crew760
166 (70)[AoD] Army of Darkness748
167 (145)[ECL] ECLIPSE ORIGINS [FR]746
168 (284)[DnZ] DescendantZ743
169 (311)[TFg] Tempus Fugit741
170 (135)[PHQ] Purplexian Army739
171 (76)[Mgs] 魔法同学会733
172 (317)[GeR] Legend of German Wolfs730
173 (278)[hqn] nonames723
174 (447)[LeV] [ü30] legendäre Visionäre722
175 (157)[RU7] Avengers721
175 (143)[HOP] House of pain721
177 (192)[TTF] Tempting Fate715
178 (119)[DML] Dominio Latino714
179 (271)[NaB] NerdsAndBirds713
180 (141)[LGG] Les Gros Geeks696
181 (61)[Dad] Princess Saviors692
182 (276)[FvR] New fever686
183 (94)[B2p] Blanks 2 Poulets [FR]681
184 (213)[LRM] Legions of Raw Meatballs673
185 (113)[MoW] Mark of Wolves659
186 (304)[HRA] Hero Academy645
187 (116)[DE1] Deutsche Einheit633
188 (66)[VUI] Vui Là Chính - Win WAR Là 10632
189 (29)[UCF] Unicorn Farts628
190 (167)[Rus] Рыцари России627
190 (493)[WhN] Белая ночь627
192 (80)[DoJ] Double Jeopardy621
193 (86)[OMG] Flooz Cruise620
194 (246)[tKc] The Kings Crushers596
195 (127)[BoD] Brothers of Darkness568
195 (178)[VNx] VietNam Sexy Bae568
197 (129)[FHR] French Root564
198 (72)[NoD] Night of Dragons555
199 (53)[PSY] Grateful Dead543
200 (149)[OCA] LeOnePieceContreAttaque531