Results week 23

Guild1 Guild2 Points GW power
DgM - Doge Mountain (1)BoI - Brotherhood of Inferno (4)12805 - 57251778 - 1646
PxK - *P*hoenix*K*nights (5)BCC - BẦY CÁ CON (7)7719 - 89681600 - 1428
UPB - *The Upbringing (11)UCF - Unicorn Farts (24)11091 - 81651489 - 1492
BoE - Brotherhood of Embers (38)WxW - Warriors of Eternity (48)7903 - 109141306 - 1393
TEM - Templar [FR] (33)Pfa - Pfannkuchen (55)1084 - 10591250 - 1280
UPA - Upbringing Fallen Angels! (79)AOA - Against All Odds (92)12003 - 70071233 - 1205
Tem - Templar II [FR] (58)MDG - MADDOG (83)10342 - 9960760 - 798
ITC - Italian Crushers (13)SDD - Seriously Disturbed Doges (19)0 - 00 - 0
WAR - WarCrushers (3)RNA - Renaissance [FR] (17)13885 - 58900 - 0
SVK - Storm Vikings (41)koR - Korea 도움말 (43)8526 - 104870 - 0
VAN - Vanguardians (16)IBI - Il Branco Degli Immortali[ITA] (54)10368 - 95070 - 0