Results week 24

Guild1 Guild2 Points GW power
DgM - Doge Mountain (1)EXO - Exodus (2)7416 - 113571790 - 1983
PxK - *P*hoenix*K*nights (5)DAO - Origins (9)12384 - 69761610 - 1341
UPB - *The Upbringing (10)GdB - Gamer de Bolso [GdB] (15)12202 - 65631498 - 1474
BoE - Brotherhood of Embers (48)LST - Lost Crusaders (45)9604 - 95381303 - 1363
TEM - Templar [FR] (28)RdR - ShadeRaiders (20)1098 - 11171255 - 1211
SVK - Storm Vikings (50)PuS - The Pussycat Patrol (81)10714 - 9487942 - 977
Tem - Templar II [FR] (46)AYS - ()9856 - 11017816 - 975
ITC - Italian Crushers (17)ALV - Aztek Lords Victory (43)0 - 00 - 0
WAR - WarCrushers (3)NWO - *N*ew *W*orld *O*rder (7)12560 - 58260 - 0
BoI - Brotherhood of Inferno (4)BCC - BẦY CÁ CON (6)0 - 00 - 0
UPA - Angels Undead Upbringers (61)WAW - Wolves and Warriors (38)10319 - 97240 - 0
VAN - Vanguardians (12)SfB - STAR FLUFF Busters !! (26)9356 - 102730 - 0